What motivates your employees?
When a star employee resigns, it can often bring a department – or the whole company, depending on size – to an unexpected halt. Their duties are shuffled off onto others, their expertise is lost, morale of other employees goes down, and your business loses time and...
Employee Performance Development (not Management)
If you are a baby boomer, this may come as a shock to you to see this in writing, but if you’ve experienced this yourself over the past 5 years, it may not be much of a surprise. The employee’s expectations of their employer and manager are changing. Millennials are...
You're Already Paying For It - Use a Training Grant to Grow Your Business
A well-trained employee is educated enough to be able to handle delegation, knowledgeable enough to get the tasks done, and is someone you can count on. They want to be trained, too - they feel more effective at work, and feel like they are growing in their...
Work/Life Balance for the CEO of a Growing Small Business
Owners, presidents, or CEOs of small businesses might have the toughest job. They feel they have to do everything to keep their businesses going (and growing) and financially support employees and their families. But there are times when it just seems too hard. These...