
An assessment of one's values, behaviors, competencies and acumen is like a road map to the future.

Dimensions of Superior Performance

If one can understand people, he can exhibit superior performance in his many roles (manager, employee, husband, father, etc). By having a complete picture of those with whom he interacts, he can predict behaviors and actions and put measures in place that can greatly increase the chance of a successful outcome.

TriMetrixHD_CertAs a Certified Trimetrix HD Analyst, Certified Professional Values Analyst, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and a Distributor of Trimetrix and DISC assessments from Target Training TriMetrixHD_CertInternational, mPower Advisors uses assessments in all engagements -- from hiring to employee performance management, and from conflict resolution to sales training and marketing.

If you'd like to get a complementary assessment to see what they can do for you, please contact me or fill out the Business Evaluation form indicating your interest!

TTI’s bicycle logo depicts the direct relationship between values and behaviors. Attitudes/values (the back wheel) drive behaviors (front wheel).

TTI's bicycle logo depicts the direct relationship between values and behaviors. Attitudes/values (the back wheel) drive behaviors (front wheel).

EQ (Emotional Quotient)

Emotional Intelligence is at the core of every person.  Our first reaction to a stimulus is an emotional one, and this affects the way we think and behave. That is why a high EQ can trump the highest IQ, Intelligence Quotient. The good news is that EQ can be learned, and tends to increase with age. Experience tends to increase one's ability to sense, understand, and positively react to situations. The EQ assessment provides insight into two broad areas: intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence.


_wsb_97x94_CPVA_SealWhat is it that causes one to move into action? What are the drivers of behavior? What activities, careers and conversations inspire a "passion" within you, causing you to want to become involved? Motivation Assessment measures the WHY of your actions, leading to an understanding of what drives your behavior and defines the attitudes that move you into action.


_wsb_101x94_CPBA_SealThe behavioral assessments (DISC) are designed to help individuals attain a greater knowledge of themselves as well as others. The ability to interact effectively with people may be the difference between success and failure in both our personal and professional lives. Knowing how another will behave and will want to be treated will increase the likelyhood of a positive interaction.  An interaction could be a sales call, a conversation with a supervisor, or a discussion with a coworker on how to best work together for a positive outcome.  Effective interaction starts with an accurate perception of oneself. The behavioral reports lead to this increased self-awareness. 

Continuous Improvement

Organizations across the world are starting to get focused on their most valuable asset—people. Individuals are getting involved in their own development path and looking for ways to continuously improve their productivity, motivation and job satisfaction. Finding out what makes an individual "tick" is the first step in providing a continuous improvement action plan. How and why does the individual do the things he or she does?

Strategic Planning

_wsb_72x83_Tti_emboss_for_webThe reports give executives an accurate analysis of their strengths and value to the organization. This knowledge enables them to maintain control over their destiny and assist in making strategic decisions in human capital management. Executives can then develop action plans to build on the strengths of the company and its employees by use of the reports.

Job Benchmark

The job benchmarking process is unique because we benchmark the job, not the people in the job. With the Key Accountability process, you can "let the job talk" to know exactly what it needs for superior performance. By investing in Job Benchmarking, you’ll secure the talent necessary for success while eliminating common biases often associated with the hiring process.

Accredited Associate, Institute for Independent Business * CMT - Accredited Sr Mentor

TTI Success Insights Employment Assessments

Assessments and the Law/Public Webinar - September 2012