What to do with Economic Uncertainty
For much of the time I’ve been a Small Business Advisor (since 2004), I have heard business owners discussing which way their business is going. Some businesses are resilient and stay steady in all economies, some are more fragile because what they provide is a want...
Relay Race: Delegation
This quick video outlines a Relay Race analogy for Delegation for a Stage 3 company: 20-34 employees. Delegation from mPower Advisors on Vimeo.
Bride or Groom: What's Your Project Management Style?
Everyone could be or has been a manager of a project, but some people are more natural PMs than others, and different projects require different skills and behaviors. I recently experienced a stressful situation that was resolved though good project management. My son...
Are Headhunters Like Scott Boras?
If you are as avid a Boston sports fan as I am, you may be aware of Scott Boras. He’s the guy who tends to get the highest priced contracts for star players. These players tend to become mercenaries – moving to the team who will pay the highest price and considering...