You may have heard of the emotional quotient from Daniel Goleman in his book, Emotional Intelligence. Through his research, Goleman has concluded that the key differentiator, 90% of the difference, between star and average performance is EQ, emotional quotient. The value of emotional intelligence increases dramatically with job complexity. Research has shown that those with high EQ are 127 times more productive than those with low EQ.
Our first reaction to a stimulus is an emotional one, and this affects the way we think and behave. Change is constant and it is the emotional response to that change that determines how we perform. That is why a high EQ can trump the highest IQ, intelligence quotient. A leader with a high EQ has a positive effect on not only team members but also on the entire organization.
The good news is that EQ can be learned, and tends to increase with age. Experience tends to increase your ability to sense, understand, and positively react to situations. This assessment provides insight into two broad areas: intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence.
If you take the assessment, you will receive a 10 page report that assesses your emotional intelligence and gives you personalized guidance on how to increase it from where you are now.
EQ is at the core of one's performance. To get a complete picture, you can also assess one's values, skills, behaviors, and acumen capacity to perform at high levels.
Contact us for more information about taking an Emotional Quotient assessment.
Here's to your success!