Next Stage Mastermind

Imaging being part of a group of like-minded people who are all committed to each others' success. Each person brings his or her own perspective, life experience, skills and contacts to the group. Each is working not only to achieve their own goals, but also help others achieve their goals. Doesn't that sound great?
The idea of a mastermind came from Napoleon Hill in his 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich. He proposed that a group of like-minded, goal-oriented people could achieve great things by leveraging each other.
There are 3 key elements to a successful mastermind:
- The Structure
- The Commitment
- The People
If any one of these are not effective, the effectiveness of the group suffers.
Stay tuned for more information about the Next Stage Mastermind, coming soon...
The Next Stage Mastermind Group has the goal of getting you to the next stage of growth in 1 year.
The groups are made up of similar sized companies looking to move up one stage, and the stage is defined by the number of employees at the company. The complexity is headcount based -- not based on revenue.
Each member CEO/owner/GM will have a similar size company with similar growth concerns. Each will be committed for a year with you.
Mastermind benefits
We want to help owners reach their vision. The small business owner is loneliest job there is and having a board of advisors containing others in a similar position would be beneficial. One advisor is a data point, but 11 advisors is a trend and collective knowledge. As a mastermind member, you'll:
- Receive help from a curated community to resolve issues that you have
- Get a roadmap to guide your growth, and help avoid the potholes along the way
- Identify issues you might not even know you are having
- Develop and execute a plan for most beneficial transition/exit
- Become a better leader by gaining insight, skills, and inspiration
- Test your message/plan on closest “board of advisors”
- Gain additional promotional value through Mastermind PR
- Improve your culture to become a "destination for talent"
Bottom Line: Immediate, honest, personal problem solving for your business allowing you to think bigger with less risk.
Additional benefit
You may get all this at half price! This might qualified under the workforce training grants, so 1/2 of the tuition can be reimbursed to you at 6 months and 12 months. More info on this to come....