We want to help you, the business owner, reach your vision.
Owning your own business is the loneliest job in the world. Have you contemplated a decision because you just didn’t know if it was right? How long has it been since you took a vacation from your business? Imagine the benefit of having a board of advisors who understand your situation because they are in a similar position. One advisor is a data point - but 10 advisors is a trend. Get the benefit of collective knowledge in a Mastermind Group.
This group will be made up of noncompeting, potentially complimentary businesses of similar size – 10-35 employees, which are experiencing similar issues. The challenges that you face have likely been resolved by someone else in the room. Why do trial and error, when you can shorten the path to the solution, saving time and money.
I chose the topics in the 4 videos because they address issues common of companies of your size. So far, you’ve been learning some key points, but not doing anything about them. How would you like to turn this useful information into lasting transformation? ( Just want to chat? Click here to email Dave)
- Reach the next stage in your business
- Fix what is not working in your business
- Grow your internal leadership
- Expertise to help resolve issues that you have
- Help guide your growth, and help avoid the pot holes
- Identify issues you might not even know you are having
- Develop and execute a plan for most beneficial transition/exit
- Test your marketing message/execution plan on closest “board of advisors”
- Gain additional promotional value through Mastermind PR.
Get the results you want – get to the next stage of growth within 1 year.
How can this group help?
- Address the root causes and start fixing them.
- You'll know what needs to change in your company to get to the next stage and you can start doing it.
- You'll grow the company to where you want it to be.
- We'll get you to the next stage, whatever that is for you, in the next year.
- You'll be able take a vacation because the business can operate without you for a week or a month.
- Because it works without you, you won't lose everything if you are out sick for a few weeks or more - reducing a primary risk of your business.
- You'll be positioned to sell your company because it is now an asset and not dependent on you. Since another owner can run it, it maximizes your sale price.
What are the details?
We'll meet once or twice monthly as a group for a total of 8 hours. You'll have a monthly private 1-on-1 with me for 2 hours.
You'll need to commit for a year to get this transformation. Everyone in the group will commit as well.
You will get a Hotseat opportunity where all peers help you ON your business.
Day 1 (Kickoff Day)
- Will be a full meeting
- We’ll review the year ahead. What will be covered and show the resources.
- Will have a hot seat session
- Will introduce and meet everyone in the group
- Will get an accountability buddy
- Expectations
- You’ll love and hate the process – accountability with support
- Meetings are to report on results, gain new tools you can use, and get encouragement and resolve to continue to create a great company.
- This is not:
- An intense personal development program
- A networking group
- A quick fix
- A social club
Every leader should work on leading himself before he tries to lead others. Therefore, we start by understanding and improving ourselves. We assess our Behavior, Motivators, Soft Skills, Emotional Intelligence and Stressors. Then we take stock of the skills needed for leadership and our natural leadership style. Once assessed, we determine what is needed for the job and where we should get support for areas that are not natural strengths. Then we’ll focus on High Performance because the better we are, the better we can lead.
We do what it takes to get you to the next stage in your business – see a real transformation.
The Next Stage Mastermind Group Code of Conduct
- Confidentiality
- Be Present
- No Cell Phone, Email or Texting
- Attend All Meetings
- Stay for the Entire Meeting
- Be Focused
- Be Open
- Be Respectful
- Be Enthusiastic
- Ask Questions
- Share Knowledge
- Share Resources
- Be Flexible
- Be Compassionate
- Be Generous
- Be Authentic
- No Whining
- Check Your Ego
You will also have access to:
- A group only LinkedIn group
- The Next Stage manual on solutions to the top issues
- The shared wisdom, experience, resources and network of the members.
- Celebrating your significant accomplishments to my network and the world
- A library of resources for Business plans, Business structure, Change management, DISC, Finance, High Performance, Hiring, HR procedures, Leadership, Management, Marketing, Mission/Vision/Values, Project mgmt., Sales, Speaking/Presenting, Technology, and Time management
- Social events with our collective networks
- Monthly NSMM Webinars for additional learning and sharing (will be recorded).
A proven model and format that works!
The 3 Keys to the Next Stage Mastermind Success
I stress the commitment because that is what drives the success. The mastermind group is only as effective as the strength of these 3 elements:
- The Structure: Without a strong structure, the groups may devolve into social gatherings or simply fade away. The structure ensures equal contribution and participation as well as maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
- The Commitment: The group must take priority in your life or you may as well not bother. Make this a priority and your life can literally transform. It is easy to let this, like other commitments in our life slide—with the same undesirable consequences.
- Reduced trust in self and others.
- Less results and progress on goals that are important to you.
- Far less pro-active support for the dreams for your business.
- Take your TTI TriMetrix DNA assessment and read it with intent. We can debrief it together
- Take your personal and your company Stress Assessment. The group results will be enlightening for your company. (absorb it or share it – up to you)
- The People: The synergy created between like-minded people who are committed to growing, evolving and establishing themselves and others can spur everyone involved to new heights of achievement. Different perspectives can serve to ensure that people are seeing all sides of the equation. It is dangerous if everyone has the same blinders.
Please ask yourself: “What if there were 7+ other people that as they moved forward in their life, were also thinking about me, about how they could support me, how they could include me, how they could create for me, and I was doing the same for the other 7+ people in my group… what might that mean for me and my business?”
To get started quickly, before the first meeting, you will:
- Take your TTI TriMetrix DNA assessment and read it with intent. We can debrief it together
- Take your personal and your company Stress Assessment. The group results will be enlightening for your company. (absorb it or share it – up to you)
Talk to Dave to see if the Next Stage Mastermind Group is a good fit for you.
Why would you want to work with me?
- Started literally with nothing from a poor New Hampshire town
- Put myself though college as an independent student studying Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Started in a Dilbert cube that fit 4 people at Raytheon. Worked on Military Satellite communications systems
- Jumped to a software engineering startup. Started at the bottom and ended with years in a corner office.
- Left to consult to small businesses starting in 2004.
- Started from scratch and have consulted with almost 100 companies
- My passion is to help companies grow. I care about the owners because it is possibly the toughest job.
- I am not a coach who got a certificate, I am a business advisor who has done it.
But you get more than just me...you get:
- A Next Stage growth system Stages of Growth Assessments (Private company version is >$5000+)
- A hiring system that works to get the right people in the right places in your company ($1000)
- 8-10 peer advisors (potential customers and referral partners) ($400/mo)
- Up to 6 speakers on topics including the law and exit planning ($1200)
- A full day monthly meeting with your peers (or two half days if the group agrees) ($1500/mo)
- To present your company's challenges to the group to develop solutions ($1000)
- 2 hours per month of 1-on-1 coaching ($40/mo)
- A compatible accountability buddy to keep you on track between meetings. ($100/mo)
- TriMetrix HD Behvioral, Motivators and Skills Assessment ($400+)
Total value of ~ $3000 per month
PLUS this Special Offer
- Stages of Growth Course materials that give you a roadmap for our business.
- You'll get assessments to help identify the most important challenges that your company is experiencing
- You'll get the Non-Negotiable Rules for a company of your stage.
- You'll get a book written by me and 7 other executive mentors Personal Discovery, which focusses on awareness that turns into a breakthrough for you.
- You'll get an advance copy of a soon to be published book, "The Perfect Hire Blueprint", as step-by-step method to hire the perfect person.
- You get an assessment to better understand yourself, including your behavioral style, but also your Driving Forces and how well developed your soft skills are.
- We just talked about how to use this information in all your interactions.
- Assessment generates a 35 page report that is essentially an operating manual for YOU.
- How to leverage your strengths and identify things you don’t do well – You choose to get better or have a staff member with natural talents do it.
What is the cost?
Half of what you think it is - and ¼ of my private rate.
Total value of almost $3000 per month PLUS $500-$850 in bonuses for only $833/mo.
That’s a lot of value.
There may be other groups that sound similar, but they either cost twice as much, or don’t have a system for proven results. The Next Stage Mastermind Group has the goal of getting you to the next stage of growth in 1 year. Each member will be of similar size with similar growth concerns. Each will be committed for a year right with you.
I'm asking for 3 months' payment upfront to ensure that all group members are committed.
Does this sound like you?
I can't commit the time - I'm too busy with my business. I can't get away from the business to do this.
What's the cost of doing what you are doing?
You can continue to do what you're doing currently, and getting what you get - or, you can get there faster with fewer mistakes.
You can continue to go it alone and make your way without a map, not knowing what is around the corner - or, you can join this group of supportive people - your board of advisors with materials that will show you the way to the next stage
What is the lower risk? Either: Doing what you are doing, or opportunity to let it function without you so you can:
- Focus on the strategic, increase profit
- Take a vacation, Lower Stress, fewer hours, Family time
- Opportunity to sell your company at a higher price
- Peace of mind knowing you have others like you to talk to
How much is that worth to you?
I don't know who else is in the group!
Business owners just like yourself, with similarly sized businesses, who will become trusted advisors, peers, vendors, and customers.
Can't I do this on my own?
You can take all this info and the handouts and TRY to do it yourself, but I doubt you’ll get the transformation that you think you’ll get.
Dave Clough is a business consultant who delivers far more than he promises...Dave is more than a consultant. He is a partner and 24/7 advocate for my business.
Dave is very "business savvy" and has a proven track record taking on new challenges of strategic importance and achieving excellent results.
He has strong team building and organizational skills. Very good with customers, with a clear understanding of customer issues.
Dave is a good person to work with who brings out the best in others around him. Dave always had key insights identifying business growth strategies. He consistently brought energy, creativity, and personal insight into each situation.
We only have space for 8-12 people in the group.
Teddy Roosevelt said, “People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care”. I have a passion to help people like you who run a small business. It is a lonely and tough task, but you have the passion and tenacity. I don't want you to struggle by yourself and lose sleep or your business. You need to reap the benefits of taking the risk to make a difference in the lives of your customers, employees and especially for your family.
Get the bonuses and get started on your Next Stage now.
Still not convinced this is for you?
(Questions or concerns? Click here to email Dave)
You can do this! Here's to your success.