RapiDiSCTM Assessment
One of the reasons that we use DiSC rather than other assessment is that it is easy to understand. Most people don't remember whether someone is and INTJ or and ESFP, but they can remember the difference between and High I and a High C.
It can be very helpful to know one's Behavioral Type quickly during an interaction. Just know what not to say goes a long way to building rapport. You can quickly determine one's primary DiSC style.
Here is a diagram that helps explain how to do a RapiDiSCTM Assessment.
The diagram has 4 type designations D, I, S, and C and each has some adjectives to help describe them.
To quickly determine which type a person is, determine if they are Task or People oriented (upper half or lower half), and then whether they go at a fast paced and outgoing or are more methodical and reserved (right half or left half). So for instance a task oriented fast paced person would be a D or Dominant personality type.
Once a person's personality type is determined, a good profile can be generated that includes strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, preferred activities, and the like. This information can be used to develop performance plans for employees, sales strategy for a prospect, or marketing activities that align with one's personality.